2022-2023 College Catalog Updates

以下更新/更正已对 2022-2023 Catalog after publication. 任何出现的内容都将取代已发布目录中的语言.


Withdrawals (Page 50)

(Approved by Provost February 22, 2023)

The following language has been removed from the policy on withdrawals, on page 50, 有效地取消了之前存在的3次取款限制.

A student may only have three total withdrawals during their Washington College career. 在学生完成课程的学期中发生的退课 至少16个学时将不计入此限制. After reaching three withdrawals, the Registrar’s Office will not process any future withdrawal request and will notify 学生和他们的指导老师认为学生必须继续参加 课程结束后,将根据他们完成的课程作业获得最终成绩 of the semester.


Incompletes (Pages 59-60)

(Approved by Provost February 22, 2023)


If a student is prevented from completing any required coursework throughout the semester 因健康原因(由学院健康服务部确认)或其他原因 valid and compelling circumstance, the instructor may assign the temporary grade of “I” (Incomplete) to the assignment or examination. For medical or other valid circumstances that occur at the end of a semester or near the final grading period, and which prevent 学生完成作业后,提交的期末课程成绩为“I”级 instructor should denote an agreed-upon extension of time period (no later than the (下一学期开始上课前两周),其中 student may still complete and submit the work of the course to substantiate a final grade in the course. 学生和教师之间的协议条款应 使用注册处网站上的“不完整表格”进行记录. Notice 必须缺席期末考试的学生必须向老师提交 Dean for Student Achievement and Success, the Registrar and to the instructor of the 如有可能,在预定考试时间前补习课程.

在任何情况下,学生都不应以不完整代替 不及格,无论是作业、考试还是期末成绩. When a student fails 在没有医疗证明或其他有效证明的情况下按时完成课程 circumstances, the 指导老师应根据他们的评分政策给予最终分数.

Students who receive a temporary Incomplete grade in a course should remain in contact 与他们有不完整和必须的课程的讲师进行沟通 submit the work of the course by the deadline established by the instructor, but no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of the subsequent semester from when the grade of Incomplete was recorded. If students do not finish the work of the course, 未完成的分数将自动更改为预先确定的分数 on the Incomplete Contract after this deadline. Extenuating circumstances (long illness, (例如)可能使不完整的延期成为必要. The student should consult with the instructor and the Dean for Student Achievement and Success, 如申请延期,由谁通知注册主任.

Faculty may assign a grade of Incomplete to a student taking an SCE, subject to the same policy outlined above. As with all Incomplete grades, if the student has not completed the SCE coursework by the deadline established by the SCE advisor, the student’s Incomplete grade will become a failing grade. When a student’s Incomplete SCE grade converts to an “F” in this manner, the Registrar’s Office will make an exception to the normal Drop/Add deadline for that student to register in a repeat attempt at the SCE课程不迟于第四周的周五上课. The fee for that SCE 哪些费用列在目录的“费用和开支”一章里.


Delayed Graduation

Approved by Provost on 02/02/2023

A student who is eligible to graduate but who wishes to extend their studies to complete a second major or a minor must apply for Provost approval before April 15 (for spring 毕业生)或11月15日(秋季毕业生)推迟毕业. The student must need fewer than 32 credits to complete the second major or minor and must anticipate completion within one academic year. 学生的学术顾问必须在学生的申请上签字 plan. 学生可以选择和原来的同学一起走在毕业典礼上,但是 formal graduation will be deferred to the next graduation cycle after completion of degree requirements. 如果学生未能完成第二主修或辅修课程 one year, then the student will be considered graduated with one major after one year. The opportunity to delay graduation also extends to teacher certifications, as well 在完成32个学分以内的任何其他学术证书. Students should be aware of the Financial Aid implications of their decision and must seek guidance from the Financial Aid Office. In general, s已经完成所有专业要求的学生不再需要 eligible for Federal Student Aid; students who have completed 8 semesters at WC are no longer eligible for institutional aid.


Walking at Commencement for Near-Completers

Approved by Provost on 10/08/2022

A student who wishes to participate in the commencement ceremony but has not completed 所有学分或要求,必须申请教务长批准. Only students who are within 8 credits of completion are eligible. Applications must be received no later than 24 hours after the submission of final grades to be considered for spring commencement. Formal graduation and the receipt of diploma will occur after all degree requirements are met.



Approved by faculty 5/2021

Due to the disruptions to student educational progress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, students who earn transfer credit in courses worth three credit hours at another institution during the nationwide emergency as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)有资格毕业,只有126或127学分的批准 the Office of Student Records and Registration.


Leave of Absence (page 66)

Approved by faculty 12/2021

Leave of Absence
Students may take a temporary leave of absence from the College during the semester when medical or personal emergency circumstances require that they be away from campus 和/或不能参加超过五天的课程.

1) Medical Leave of Absence – typically granted when a student needs to be off campus and/or unable to participate in classes for more than five consecutive days in order to deal with a significant medical condition.

A. 学生必须咨询健康服务或心理咨询服务 problem that necessitates the leave.

B. Health or Counseling Services (H&C) will recommend whether a student qualifies for a medical leave.

i. If the leave is approved by the Provost’s Office H&C will advise the student, the 教务长办公室和学生事务办公室有关的要求 student’s return to campus.

ii. 教务长办公室维护批准的休假文件并进行沟通 its details to Student Affairs, the student's faculty members, and the student’s advisor(s).

iii. 请病假的学生不得返回学校上课或留宿 campus, participate in student social life or other campus activities or use Washington 学校设施,直到健康或咨询服务部门批准他们返回.

iv. 学生还是要尽快联系他们的教授 to discuss making up missed work aligned with professors' course policies as articulated in their syllabi. 在讨论未完成的工作和截止日期时,教师应该 make a good-faith effort to allow students to reasonably make up work whenever possible or complete alternative assignments.

C. 疾病或其他健康问题需要少于连续五天 off campus/away from classes do not qualify as a medical leave of absence and in those cases, the student is expected to notify their faculty members that they will be missing class and to discuss making up missed work.


2. 其他请假-因非医疗原因请假.e., personal emergency circumstances or bereavement.

a. 学生必须联系教务长办公室讨论休假请求.

i. If approved, the Provost’s Office will advise the student and the Office of Student Affairs about the student’s leave and will advise all parties about when the student is expected to return to campus and classes.

ii. 教务长办公室维护批准的休假文件并进行沟通 its details to Student Affairs, the student's faculty members, and the student’s advisor(s).

iii. 学生还是要尽快联系他们的教授 to discuss making up missed work aligned with professors' course policies as articulated in their syllabi. 在讨论未完成的工作和截止日期时,教师应该 make a good-faith effort to allow students to reasonably make up work whenever possible or complete alternative assignments.


3) Title IX-Related Absence – An absence as a result of a Title IX supportive measure 或参加第九条调查或听证会.

a. 如果学生必须缺课,因为参与第九条 case, this will be confirmed by the Title IX Coordinator and then sent to the Provost’s 办公室,谁将通知教师的学生缺席.

b. 与其他缺课的学生一样,相关学生也应该联系他们的教授 根据教授的课程政策,讨论如何补课.


4)通常允许休假最多两周(14个日历天). If Health and Counseling has not recommended to the Provost’s Office that the student 在14天内返回,或者如果学生要求延长休假 OR if the student requests an additional leave at another time during the semester, the Provost’s Office reviews the student’s situation, consulting with Health Services 或咨询服务部门在适当的时候,决定学生是否请假 should be extended or an additional leave approved. Depending upon the situation, students who are not ready to return after 14 days may be advised to withdraw from the College for that semester. In these cases, the withdrawal is retroactive to the 学生上课的最后一天,并在学生的成绩单上注明 该学生在该学期注册的所有课程成绩均为“W”.

5)如果学生在休假时没有良好的社会或学术地位 of absence or withdraw for any reason, their reinstatement of enrollment or readmission may be conditional, pending the resolution of any alleged academic or social violations of the Honor Code.


Summer Academic Program 

Maximum Enrollment (Page 76)

Originally Published Policy
Students may take a maximum of three courses (12 credits) in the summer program each year and a maximum of 8 credits in one module. Students on Academic Probation or Continued 试用期每个模块最多可获得4个学分(总共8个学分).
Updated Policy
Approved 10/10/2022
学生最多可修读两门暑期课程(8学分) year and a maximum of 4 credits in one module. Students seeking an exception to this 政策可以向学术成就与成功学院院长提出申请.